I recently received a text from my friend, Jeff Presley that said, "You should blog. Seriously - lets chat about it." My response was brilliant: "What?" This goes down as one of the most random texts I have ever received. Later on, Jeff explained why he thought I should blog. He made a strong case, so here I am. My name is Amanda Carter and I am now a blogger.
I have wondered what on earth I would blog about, and quite frankly, why anyone besides my mother, my husband and maybe a few stragglers would want to read anything I would post. I suppose the point is not to be clever or funny or especially interesting. The point is to be me, and I can do that...most days.
Most of my days revolve around two little girls, both with curly hair and seemingly boundless energy and enthusiasm for all things outside and "fun". They like crafts, they like bikes, scooters, slides, and of course, the trampoline. I'm so glad it's warm because one of my all-time favorite smells is the "outside" on my children. Baths make much more sense in the warmer weather because there's actually a smell to clean.
The most amazing thing to me lately about being outside is that it is Spring. So simple and yet so profound. Last week we celebrated Easter services at Southland Christian Church where I serve as one of the worship leaders. That's a big deal for our team and it was a big deal for 150 people who chose to be baptized Sunday afternoon. Every time someone comes out of the water I think, "That changes everything." Every relationship, every choice, every past mistake and lingering regret. The moment we give it all up, we gain everything. Hard to put our minds around and yet something about that statement rings true and in all of us. For those of us who already believe, it is our hope. For those of us yet to believe, it touches that yearning in us for that something we have yet to find that satisfies us on levels success, romance, money, etc. just cannot reach.
Spring changes everything, too. Every branch, root, bud and even this season, the color of my shutters and my front door. Change is in the air. I mean, I'm blogging for Pete's sake; something must be going on. Let the change begin...